Summarized information about all Botnia Exploration’s projects is presented below. For detailed information, click on the corresponding project name.
Bjurbäcksliden nr 2
A tungsten project that after exploration drillings has become one of Botnia Exploration’s most prioritised projects. High contents of tungsten have been found in one borehole, in the heaps of waste rock from old iron ore mining and in boulders. The contents greatly exceeds the contents in the former Yxsjöberg mine in Bergslagen and the…
The Skropsjö mine is a more than 30 years old tungsten project, located approx. 45 km west of the Yxsjöberg mine, Sweden’s only modern tungsten mine and closed in 1989. The concentration plant Yxsjöberg could with relatively short notice be re-started for operation. Botnia Exploration has on-going discussions with the owner of this concentration plant.…
A very interesting project, with earlier drilled and ore estimated tungsten mineralizations made by SGU in the 1980’s. New contents and tonnage calculations will be performed within short, based on the historical information. Drillings will be continued in the adjacent mineralizations that have not been drilled before.
Both Botnia Exploration and SGU have found a large number of boulders with content up to 15 g/t. Botnia Exploration now plans for continued boulder tracing and geophysical ground measurements. Depending on the results, investigation drillings will begin. The project is located in the Ersmarksberget area.
Two gold-bearing boulders have been found in the area. One of them holds 7 grams gold per tonne and the other 10.4 grams per tonne. The boulders are located at the border of an aero magnetic anomaly. No further activities are planned for in 2012.
A former Boliden object, where 103 boreholes have been drilled. There is data available for 6 boreholes, while Boliden has the remaining 97 at its disposal. It is stated that Boliden has drilled approx. 560,000 tonnes at 5.94 % zinc and 0.48 % copper. In the publication “Malm i Sverige 2” (“Ore in Sweden 2”),…
In spring 2011, ground magnetic measurements were performed, with interesting anomalies and guiding for further exploration drilling. These have now been performed and the results from one of the boreholes showed a zone with 2.64 g gold/tonne over 4 metres, with a highest value of 10.15 grams over 1 metre. The area has previously been…
A large number of diamond holes have been drilled. The copper mineralization appears both as impregnation and in quartz veins. The length of the mineralization is approx. 700 metres and the magnitude of the mineralized zone reaches up to approx. 35 metres at 100 metres depth. Gold follows the copper mineralization. A very interesting area…
Forsheden is located in the Vindelgransele area and is one of Botnia Exploration’s most interesting gold projects, with very high gold content in boulders. The project consists of the exploration permits Forsheden no. 1 and no. 2. Boulders with very high gold content reported (approx. 20 grams/tonne). Boulders with 200 grams/tonne silver have also been…
Harpsund no.1
Botnia Exploration has signed a Joint Venture with Dragon Mining, which implies that Dragon Mining is responsible for and develops this exploration permit. Harpsund is located approx. 4 km north-east of Dragon Mining’s existing mine, called Svartliden. Harpsund constitutes the extension of the structure at the Svartliden mine, towards north and north-west. Under the terms…
Granselliden no.2
The exploration permit encloses the exploitation concession Vargbäcken K no. 1. Sparse drilling, ground geophysics and outcrop specimens indicate that the Vargbäcken mineralization has a total extension of approx. 1 km. An expansion of the exploitation concession Vargbäcken K no. 1 may be considered after the exploration results in Granselliden no. 2.
In the western part of the permit, interesting boulder findings have been made in the objects Klodden, Jägarliden and Åström. Within the object Åström, in total 28 mineralized boulders have been submitted for analysis. The gold content varies between 0.01 and 1.33 g/t with an average of 0.2 g/t, the silver content varies between 0.2…
Here the previously known objects Middagsberget, Middagsberget North and Fäbodliden A, B and C are located. Middagsberget has been known since the 1980s. In total, 122 boreholes have been drilled of in all 14,179 m. There are historical estimations. These are very uncertain and not calculated according to current regulations, but indicate tonnage of slightly over…
Mineral resource calculation performed by Canadian consultant according to the Canadian rules NI43-101 (adopted by SVEMIN, FinnMin and Norsk Bergindustri). The company has an approved environmental application for test mining, valid until 2021-09-01. The aim is to, by dense drilling, increase the current mineral resource. NI 43-101 Results: Indicated Mineral resource: 1.37 million tonnes at…
Purnu no. 1 (Puolalaki)
LKAB discovered the gold deposit in the 1980s and drilled in total 25 diamond boreholes. The middle section of the deposit is not drilled, because of the terrain conditions. The outer parts have historically been estimated to approx. 100,000 tonnes at 4.62 grams gold per tonne and approx. 62,000 tonnes at 2.38 grams per tonne.…