In the western part of the permit, interesting boulder findings have been made in the objects Klodden, Jägarliden and Åström. Within the object Åström, in total 28 mineralized boulders have been submitted for analysis. The gold content varies between 0.01 and 1.33 g/t with an average of 0.2 g/t, the silver content varies between 0.2 and 508 g/t with an average of 70 g/t, the lead content varies between
The eastern part of the permit partly contains massive sulphide bodies; Granlunda, Salmon Linders and Lillholmsberget; and partly geochemical gold anomalies. The exploration permit also covers the areas surrounding Vargbäcken. By that, areas with similar structural and stratigraphical positions like the drilled objects are covered.
Granlunda is a massive sulphide body, which partly was broken off during the Second World War. It appears in the eastern part of the exploration permit. Historical data states among others 80,000 tonnes at 240 g/t silver, 2.6 % copper and 2.5 % zinc. The value per tonne is very high. In the north-eastern part there are also rich zinc boulders, which have never been accounted for.