The Skropsjö mine is a more than 30 years old tungsten project, located approx. 45 km west of the Yxsjöberg mine, Sweden’s only modern tungsten mine and closed in 1989. The concentration plant Yxsjöberg could with relatively short notice be re-started for operation. Botnia Exploration has on-going discussions with the owner of this concentration plant. Skropsjöåsen had earlier status as a mining concession, which was announced already in 1985 by the Mining Inspectorate of Sweden. Boliden AB was owner of the permit until the end of 2010 when Botnia Exploration applied for and was granted the exploration permit.
- 800 Scheelite boulders found in 1978
- Ditching performed in 1978-79
- 31 diamond holes drilled in 1979
- Ore calculation performed
- 219,000 tonnes, incl. 15 % waste rock with 0.26 % WO3 (cut-off 0.15 % WO3)
- 604,000 tonnes, incl. 15 % waste rock med 0.14 % WO3 (cut-off 0.05 % WO3)
These are historical figures that have not been verified