Here the previously known objects Middagsberget, Middagsberget North and Fäbodliden A, B and C are located.
Middagsberget has been known since the 1980s. In total, 122 boreholes have been drilled of in all 14,179 m. There are historical estimations. These are very uncertain and not calculated according to current regulations, but indicate tonnage of slightly over 1 million tonnes at approx. 1.5 g/t gold. Calculation work according to current regulations will begin. Also here, gold mineralizations occur in quartz passages and adjacent to a diorite.
Fäbodliden A, B and C all appear in quartz passages, together with arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite.
Work in the northernmost area Fäbodliden A has shown outcrop observations in an extension of at least 250 m. Historically collected analysis data from boulders, outcrops and ditching; 62 analyses; have given an average for the gold content of 1.2 g/t in the interval from 0 to 8.4 g/t. Fäbodliden A represents the western part of an apparently isolated lens of diorite, with an almost east-western strike and a north-western dip. Three diamond boreholes, with a spacing of fifty metres, have been drilled by Botnia Exploration along the northern contact of the diorite and western of the area previously investigated by SGAB in the mid-1980s. A summary of the drill results are as follows:
DDH Interval Length Au g/t
- 11FÄBA001 122.0 – 127.1 5.1 m 1.0
- included: 122.6 – 124.1 1.5 m 2.6
- 11FÄBA002 59.9 – 65.1 5.3 m 2.8
- 11FÄBA003 115.6 – 117.0 1.4 m 2.0
(Analytical method: Au-AA26 (Ore grade Au 50g Fire Assay Atomic Absorption Finnish))
Fäbodliden B consists of four mineralized structures that could be followed up to a length of 150 m. Also here, there are older analyses; 37 analyses; which have given an average of 1.7 g gold/ton in the interval 0.1 to 25.3 g/tonne.
Fäbodliden C is geographically located between Middagsberget and Fäbodliden A and constitutes the northern part of an elongated diorite with north-western to south-eastern strike and south-western dip, which is separated from the diorite at Fäboliden 1. Within Fäboliden C, 28 analyses have similarly given 1.1 g gold/tonne in average, in the interval < 0.1 to 8.7 g/tonne. New-found outcrop in the extension of Fäboliden C, approx. 100 m to the south, shows gold content of approx. 3 g/tonne.
Diamond drilling has shown that the diorite in Fäboliden C continues along the strike for more than 1.2 km towards Middagsberget. Mineralized quartz rich boulders with high contents of gold in quartz passages (up to 65 g/t Au) have been reported from a limited area directly northeast of Middagsberget (previously also called Middagsberget Norra), see press release 2011-11-03. Previous drillings made by Boliden AB indicate that the possible source in solid bedrock of these boulders is approx. 300 metres further to the northwest.
Botnia Exploration indicated volume and quality potential for a vein mineralization with gold along the diorite contact between Fäbodliden C and Middagsberget. The total strike length of 1.2 km was investigated last winter, by diamond drilling with approx. 150 metres spacing. Visible gold in quartz passages close to the contact between converted sediments and the diorite was observed in the very first hole drilled and confirmed the observation previously made by Boliden AB.
Example of analysis results received from the laboratory for the first 7 diamond boreholes performed at Fäboliden C by Botnia Exploration:
DDH Interval Length Au g/t
- 11FÄBC001 49.5 – 51.6 2.1 m 7.2
- 12FÄBC006 87.3 – 90.3 3.0 m 6.0
- 12FÄBC007 65.9 – 70.4 4.5 m 5.3
- included 67.6 – 68.5 0.9 m 25.4
(Analytical method: Au-AA26 (Ore grade Au 50g Fire Assay Atomic Absorption Finnish))
Hole 12FÄBC006 and 12FÄBC007 were drilled as a follow-up of the positive visual results from hole 11FÄBC001 and tested the extension of the mineralized quartz passage from positions approx. 50 metres from each other. The results so far indicate that this steep south-western vein reaches the surface and forms the source of the trail of high grade gold mineralized boulders earlier described by Botnia Exploration and other operators.
Diamond drilling in the area is still in progress, in order to describe the lateral extension and the continued quality level of the vein.