In spring 2011, ground magnetic measurements were performed, with interesting anomalies and guiding for further exploration drilling. These have now been performed and the results from one of the boreholes showed a zone with 2.64 g gold/tonne over 4 metres, with a highest value of 10.15 grams over 1 metre.
The area has previously been prospected by, among others, the Board of the state mining property (Nämnden för statens gruvegendom) via Sveriges Geologiska AB and by Lappland Goldminers. The object consists of some 50 gold mineralized boulders. Approx. 20 of these have in the 1980s been analysed for gold and have given a gold interval of 0.1 to 6.6 g gold/tonne. The mineralized boulders consist of magnetite rich skarn with arsenopyrite and some chalcopyrite. The extension of the boulders is approx. 5 km. The historical exploration has previously not been able to show where these boulders originate from.