Vindelgransele mines

IMG_3030Botnia Exploration has conducted exploration activities in the Vindelgransele area within the Skellefte field since 2009 with a progressively developed focus on two gold deposits along the Skellefte field – Vargbäcken and Fäbodtjärn. The company controls, besides these, a number of deposits under exploration. Both deposits in Vindelgransele contain gold in quartz traps, Fäbodtjärn with high concentrations suitable for underground breakage and Vargbäcken with concentrations suitable for breakage and later possibly for selective underground breaks. Målet er at utføre mining med mindst mulig miljøpåvirkning. Existing mineral resources currently allow mining for at least six marketing years. Botnia Exploration has a strategic goal to enable prospective mining operations to be created by ongoing exploration. Read more in Consultation document 20170504

TV: This is a test for gold

LYCKSELE. Gold is sought like never before in Vindelgransele. Nu er en testkørsel på vej, og håper at starte en ny guldmine. Many have known about the deposit over the years, but it was the exploration company Botnia Exploration who managed to find the valuable ore body. See Västerbottenskiren’s reportage and interview with Bengt Ljung and Thomas Ljung.

Watch VK TV: Here they test for gold

By Gunilla Sjögren,

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